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    Self-Loading Cranes

    Folding cranes for installation on various trucks and vehicles. Maintenance Ltd  is the importer in Israel of Atlas Cranes Germany. Atlas was founded in 1919 and manufactures self-loading folding cranes with a variety of lifting capacities, designed for installation on various trucks and vehicles. The cranes are suitable for operation in unique working conditions such as salt water environment, steep terrain route, extreme climatic conditions and special challenges such as construction and infrastructure sites, residential complexes, industrial buildings and underground systems for tunneling and construction of water reservoirs.

    Truck crane for sale in a variety of sizes and models.

    Whether you need a small crane, a medium crane or a large crane, for any purpose or task, here is where you will find exactly what you are looking for. With a large variety of models to choose from, advanced equipment and innovative and reliable technology, you will have a perfect fit for your needs. Atlas’ reliable cranes offer smart, efficient and cost-effective solutions for a variety of tasks, from construction, repair and maintenance and up to military uses.

    At M. Bar, truck cranes are manufactured using innovative technology, while adapting to changing work needs, along with accessory equipment of high quality and excellent performance. We will be happy to be at your service!

    The cranes are manufactured in Germany in different sizes and specifications in accordance with customer requirements and compliant with all European safety and working standards. The cranes represent high standards of quality and are adapted to hard and strenuous work. High quality along with the many years of experience and development of engineers and experts have led to the creation of powerful truck cranes that allow you to work more efficiently and safely than ever before.

    At M. bar you will also find all the complementary equipment for the crane by the Italian company Ferrari: stabilizers, baskets and platforms, hydraulic and mechanical rotators, rotating and hydraulic hooks, winches, remote controls, log grabs, pads and more. This company has become a favorite of the largest truck crane manufacturers in the world and its name is renowned in this field.

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